Privacy Policy for Personal Data Processing (Privacy Policy)

1. General Provisions

1.1. This Privacy Policy (hereinafter referred to as the "Policy") defines the procedure for processing and protecting information about users of the website Resumeshka.COM, located at the domain name (hereinafter referred to as the "site").

1.2. Users of the Resumeshka.COM site are individuals registered on the site and using its technical capabilities and functionalities (hereinafter referred to as "Users").

1.3. User information, personal data, is any information related directly or indirectly to a specific or identifiable individual (subject of personal data) who uses the site.

1.4. Processing of personal data and other User information means any action (operation) or set of actions (operations) performed by the site administration using automation tools or without such tools, with personal data, including collection, recording, systematization, accumulation, storage, clarification (update, change), extraction, use, transfer (distribution, provision, access), anonymization, blocking, deletion, destruction of personal data of persons who use the site.

1.5. By adding personal information to the site, each User confirms their consent to the processing of their personal data and other information about them under the terms provided by this Policy. If the User disagrees with these terms, the use of the site and its services must be immediately terminated.

1.6. The purpose of this Policy is to ensure proper protection of information about Users, including their personal data, from unauthorized access and disclosure. The Policy governs the collection, storage, distribution, and protection of information about Users of the site.

1.7. The Policy applies to any information (personal data) that may become known to the site administration during the use of the site by Users, including during registration and authorization procedures.

1.8. The Policy does not apply to third-party internet resources or independent actions of Users related to the dissemination of information about themselves on other resources, performed by using the site.

1.9. The site administration reserves the right to amend this Policy at any time. Such changes take effect upon posting on the site unless otherwise provided by the new version of the Policy.

2. Purposes of Collecting Personal Data, User Information

2.1. The site administration uses personal data and other information about Users for the following purposes:

2.1.1. Authorization of Users on the site to utilize its functionalities;

2.1.2. Creating a User account to enable the use of site functionalities;

2.1.3. Resume creation using the site's technical capabilities;

2.1.4. Providing Users with informational materials describing how to use the site;

2.1.5. With clear and explicit User consent, providing site news and updates, and promotional materials via communication channels;

2.1.6. Collecting statistical information;

2.1.7. Processing payments for paid site services;

2.1.8. Providing necessary technical support;

2.1.9. Verifying the accuracy of previously submitted personal data and ensuring their relevance;

2.1.10. Collecting feedback to improve site functionality;

2.1.11. Identifying and resolving technical issues;

2.1.12. Determining User location for security, fraud prevention, and other services and obligations according to the site's governing documents.

2.1.13. Providing other services and fulfilling other obligations undertaken by the Administration in accordance with the documents governing the site's activities.

3. Information Collected by the Site

3.1. Users provide the following information to the site administration:

3.1.1. Data provided during registration (creating an account):

  • contact phone number;
  • email address;
  • User photo;
  • Full name.

3.1.2. Data provided during site usage, sufficient for resume creation using site functionalities:

  • city of residence;
  • date of birth;
  • contact phone number;
  • additional contact information (messengers, social media links, secondary email);
  • education details, including institution names and study periods;
  • work experience details, including previous employers, employment periods, job responsibilities;
  • professional skills and achievements;
  • course and training details, including institution names and study periods;
  • professional certificates and issuing organizations;
  • scientific or professional publications and projects;
  • foreign language proficiency, software, equipment;
  • driver's license details and categories;
  • other information the User deems necessary to share with potential employers (communication skills, marital status, etc.);
  • other resume-related information recognized or potentially recognized as personal data under data protection legislation.

3.2. The site administration may process additional information received during User access, including technical device data, IP address, operating system type, browser information, access time, requested page addresses, data from device cameras, galleries, microphones, etc.

3.3. The site may use cookies to store general information. These files identify repeat visitors, simplify User access, track visits, and gather general statistical information to improve the site. User agreement to cookie usage is confirmed by using the site.

4. Procedure of Personal Data and User Information Processing

4.1. Processing of personal data, User information is based on principles of legality, volume and nature of data, processing methods for the purposes specified in Section 2 of this Policy. Data processing incompatible with site usage purposes is prohibited.

4.2. The site administration takes technical and organizational-legal measures to protect User information and personal data from unauthorized or accidental access, destruction, alteration, blocking, copying, distribution, and other unlawful actions within the site's technical capabilities and nature.

4.3. The administration fully complies with Federal Law No. 152-FZ "About Personal Data" and does not disclose or distribute personal data without User consent except as required by Russian Federation legislation.

4.4. If a User reports a lost login or password or account hacking, the administration may block the User's account.

4.5. User information and personal data are stored electronically and processed using automated systems unless manual processing is required by law. Personal data storage is done in a form that allows to identify the subject of presonal data (a user) no longer than the time required for processing purposes (i.e., until account deletion).

4.6. Any personal data processing or information transmitted by the User during site usage is carried out without time restrictions. destruction of information and personal data about the User is carried out when:

  • self-removal of User data from the site, including account deletion;
  • deletion of User information by the administration upon paid plan expiration or violation of User Agreement restrictions.

4.7. The User acknowledges and agrees that the site administration may transfer any previously submitted personal data to authorized state authorities as required by Russian law.

4.8. In case of personal data loss or disclosure, the site administration will promptly inform the User.

4.9. The administration does not verify the accuracy of received (collected) information about Users. Users determine the content and composition of information for site usage purposes.

4.10. By providing site services, the administration reasonably assumes that:

  • The User has all necessary rights for registration and site usage;
  • The User provides accurate and sufficient information for site services;
  • Data submitted for authorization and resume creation is voluntarily provided by the User;
  • Registration data (including personal data) is provided for the purposes stated in this Agreement;
  • Registration data (including personal data) is accurate and current (the User ensures data accuracy and relevance for site usage purposes);
  • Registration data (including personal data) may be used by the site administration for service promotion via direct User contact (e.g., email, SMS) with explicit User consent.

5. User Rights

5.1. Users have the right to:

5.1.1. Access their information on the site (Personal Account);

5.1.2. Add, modify, and delete their information from the site;

5.1.3. Independently make changes and corrections to their information upon payment for the corresponding site functionality;

5.1.4. Request clarification, blocking, or destruction of incomplete, outdated, inaccurate, unlawfully obtained, or unnecessary personal data for site usage if the user is technically unable to perform these actions by him(her)self;

5.1.5. Receive information on personal data processing upon written request to [email protected];

5.1.6. Exercise other rights provided by Russian personal data protection laws.

6. Confidentiality of Minors

6.1. Minors using the site must comply with the following legal requirements:

6.1.1. Under Article 26 of the Russian Civil Code, minors aged 14 to 18 may perform transactions with written consent from their legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, or guardians). Transactions by such minors are valid with subsequent written approval from their representatives;

6.1.2. Minors aged 14 to 18 may independently manage their earnings, scholarships, and other income without parental consent; perform small household transactions, and manage funds provided by representatives or third parties for a specific purpose or free use.

6.2. By registering on the site, the user confirms that they are a citizen who has reached the required age to enter into transactions related to receiving or providing services offered by the site administration.

6.3. The administration is not responsible for instances of site usage by minors; issues arising from the use of the site by minors must be resolved by their legal representatives (parents, adoptive parents, guardians).

7. Liability Limitation, Force Majeure

7.1. The administration is not responsible for the security of personal data and other information about Users that:

7.1.1. Publicly available before disclosure;

7.1.2. Known to third parties from external sources;

7.1.3. Disclosed with User's written permission;

7.1.4. Entered by third parties on the site.

7.2. The administration is not responsible for network failures, provider services, site errors caused by third-party interference, or other independent failures and their consequences.

7.3. The administration and Users are exempt from liability for non-performance due to force majeure, including fire, flood, earthquake, strikes, war, government actions, or other uncontrollable circumstances. The affected party must notify the other party within five calendar days of such circumstances.

8. Dispute Resolution

8.1. This Agreement is governed and interpreted by Russian law.

8.2. Disputes arising from this agreement and other site documents are resolved through negotiations.

8.3. In case of a dispute, the claimant must document and attach relevant screenshots to the written claim. Before court action, a written claim must be sent.

8.4. Claims are sent by courier or registered mail with receipt notification to the parties' addresses. Other claim submission methods are not allowed.

8.5. The claim review period is 10 days from receipt.

8.6. If no agreement is reached, the dispute will be referred to the court at the location of the site administration.

9. User Inquiries

9.1. Users can send inquiries to the site administration regarding the use of their personal data and other information by sending a message to [email protected].

9.2. All correspondence received by the administration from Users (inquiries in written or electronic form) is classified as confidential and is not disclosed without User consent. Personal data and other information about the User who sent the inquiry cannot be used without the User's consent, except as required by law.

10. Use of Yandex SmartCaptcha Service (Service)

The site administration has entrusted LLC "Yandex.Cloud" (Yandex) with the collection and processing of technical data about your device, its activity, and digital fingerprint (token, browser features, referer, timezone, etc.). This data is collected when you use the Site or its individual pages where the Service widget is installed.

Yandex uses your data solely for the purpose of operating and maintaining the Service as instructed by the site administration, as well as for improving the Service based on its legitimate interest. However, Yandex does not have the ability to reliably identify you. The data retention period is 60 days from the date of collection, after which the data will be deleted.

Yandex takes all necessary measures to protect your data and stores it on servers in Russia. You can learn more about Yandex's data processing conditions in Yandex's Privacy Policy (current version -

If you have any questions, objections, or wish to exercise the rights of a data subject, you can always contact the site administration - the operator of your personal data.